Shomoy is another equally-exciting marble game.

This requires two-player-minimum, but the more the merrier.

Bore four holes on the ground, the size of a marble forming a square.
Bore the fifth one at the center.
Draw a line, say eight feet away, the starting line.
Each player takes a manu, by throwing a marble to the center-hole.
The closest takes the honor opening the round.
He collects one marble from each, plus his own, and throws them to the holes.
The aim is to put one in the center-hole.
If he makes it, he has all the marbles, and another round is played.

If at least one makes it to any hole, then he has two choices:
The marbles are re-arranged.
The rest are placed closest to the one in a hole without touching it and the next player dictates which one should be hit-in shatik or dart fashion.
If he hits the target, only (hitting another be it by the one you throw or by the target marble is called pago), not hitting any other, he has all the marbles.
Otherwise, he is out of this round, or;
Draws his magic jolen from his secret packet and takes a shot at putting it in the center-hole.
If he makes it, he has all the marbles, else, he waits for his next turn in the same round.

The round goes on and on until somebody wins.