Boy Scouts of the Philippines-4th National Jamboree


This day, it was Hiking.
We were a Team of seven.
The Leader was a tall Muslim scout from South Cotabato, I was the Compass Reader.

We were heading home just before noon when the weather went south.

Strange, I was walking in the rain and I felt the pain in my arms and neck.
The droplets were the size of a corn seed.
I later learned in my adulthood already that that was 'hail'.

Then it got worse.
Rain was so hard, and from a distance I saw a tiny nipa hut blown away by the wind.

The campsite was already flooded by the time I got to our tent.
It was all chaos.
All you see are Scouts, in war footing, helping each other save their tent-home.

Nothing could break The Boy Scout Spirit.

We went on for two more days!